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What Are The Main Conditions Behind Adult Growing Pains?

Nowadays, the lifestyle of adults is characterized by a high level of busyness. Prolonged eight to nine-hour work shifts, sedentary behavior involving prolonged sitting in front of a computer, and inadequate physical activity have contributed to the emergence of health concerns at a relatively young age. A great deal of these issues revolve around bodily pain and inflammation.


This excerpt will elucidate the three primary etiologies of adult growing pain, as well as the corresponding therapeutic interventions.

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The main causes behind adult growing pains


Here are the three major issues or conditions that sand as grave issues in adults-


  • Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disorder, characterized by a systemic malfunction of the immune system. Consequently, it targets the synovium, which refers to the membrane that lines the joints.

In addition to the articulating body parts such as the hands or legs, rheumatoid arthritis can also impact the connective tissues of additional internal organs, including the eyes, the lungs, and the heart, in severe instances.


  • Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis is widely regarded as the most prevalent ailment that induces growing pains in adults. Osteoarthritis also referred to as degenerative joint disease, is primarily attributed to the gradual erosion of cartilage located at the extremities of bones.


The prevalence of osteoarthritis is positively correlated with advancing age. This is the underlying cause for the prevalence of such ailments within the geriatric demographic. Manifestations of osteoarthritis encompass a rigid perception of the articulations, particularly in the ankles, neck, and knees. In addition, the experience is often accompanied by the presence of pain and swelling. Furthermore, individuals afflicted with this condition encounter obstacles in their day-to-day tasks. The primary manifestations of adult growing pains are joint swelling and intense pain.


  • DOMS


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is a type of pain that manifests within a timeframe that can range from several hours to several days following physical activity. It is commonly abbreviated as DOMS. The range of symptoms may exhibit a spectrum, spanning from slight muscular tenderness to severe discomfort.


The cause of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, it is commonly observed among people who commence a new physical activity or recommence intense exercise after a period of inactivity. The likelihood of experiencing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is influenced by both the duration and intensity of physical activity.


Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can lead to a decrease in an individual's range of motion and ability to fully support the weight of their bodies on the lower extremities. The phenomenon of stress redistribution to alternative regions of the lower extremity may lead to the manifestation of various types of injuries.

Hence, these are the three crucial and major causes behind adult growing pain.


Also Read: The Different Types of Topical Pain Relievers Available in the Market

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